In a world where the boundaries of our existence blur beyond flesh and blood, the very notion of what it means to be human is unraveling and reforming. We are no longer confined to our physical selves; we are expanded and extended by the technologies we interact with daily.
Our experiences, once rooted in the tangible, are now mediated by algorithms, shaped by data, and influenced by artificial intelligence. Our thoughts, once the private province of the mind, are increasingly intertwined with code, woven into the fabric of a world where machines are not just tools, but partners in the creation of meaning.
This transformation urges us to dive into its unfolding and experiment with its potential.
Application procedure
In order to be selected, applicants need to submit a single PDF document containing the following:
- Resume / CV
- A portfolio of works (max. 25 pages / 5 projects)
- A Research Project Proposal (abstract max. 250-500 words + images, if any)
The Transmedia Research Institute advisory board will review all submissions and
select up to 8 applicants by the end of January 2025. Selection criteria will address
work and research consistency, relevance and relation to the themes of the program.
Applications closed
The 2025 Hybrid Semester is organized as an online/offline
hybrid program between an art residency and a research platform;
we will not only speculate about desirable futures, but also explore
new methodological approaches and experiment with antidisciplinary notions
of (un)learning together.
The program is structured as a four-month online research cycle that will accompany
the development of the participants’ projects, with a strong attitude towards experimentation.
During the course of the program, we will offer two mandatory in-person gatherings in Barcelona,
Spain and in Fano, Italy, along with individual mentorships and a set of workshops, lectures, reviews and performances.
Each participant will be assigned to a mentor for guidance with their project for the whole duration of the program.
This transdisciplinary program is aimed at students and professionals with different
backgrounds in the fields of visual arts, design, fashion, robotics, architecture and digital media, among others.
Apply until January 26th to be part of this transformative experience, where we will
rethink contemporary paradigms, hack unconventional academic approaches,
and craft new narratives at the intersection of science and culture.
If selected, participants will be sent an email with a link to pay the Enrollment Fee.
The price for participation amounts to 400,00€.
The payment of the Fee is mandatory in order
to guarantee a spot in the program. The fee must be paid before the beginning of the Semester; further details
will be soon given to the participants.
Note: Travel and accommodation expenses for the two mandatory in-person gatherings are not included.
Application Submission
December 20th, 2024 — January 26th, 2025
Notification of Admission
January 26th — January 31st, 2025
Payment & Enrollment
January 31st — February 16th, 2025
Program Kick-Off
in-person symposium in Barcelona, Spain
February 27th — March 2nd, 2025
Online Mentorships and Gatherings
March, April, May, June, 2025
(schedule to be finalized with participants)
Final Exhibition
in-person gathering in Fano, Italy
June 28th, 2025